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# reportID Name des Bericht reportdesc sqlselect active
201 192  Statistics of places where people were baptized  Statistieken waar mensen gedoopt zijn.   SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(altbirthplace,",",2)),",",1)) as gemeente_or_state, COUNT(*) AS Number, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_people WHERE altbirthplace <> "" group BY gemeente_or_state order by Number desc; 
202 20  Stier  Personen, geboren in het astrologische teken Stier (Taurus): 21 april-20 mei
Individuals born in astrological sign taurus: 21 APR - 20 MAY Stier 21 april - 21 mei Ik heb Materieel en geestelijk bezit, principes en ideeën
Zekerheden en dingen die van waarde zijn voor iemand.
Je motivatie en vaardigheden
Heerser Venus
- zegt hoe je omgaat met het aardse, met je lichaam en hoe je "in je lijf zit"
- over je gevoel voor harmonie en schoonheid, dingen waarvan je geniet
- hoe je motivatie is om iets te doen, en op welke manier je met je vaardigheden omgaat
Taurus is the Fixed-Earth sign. Taureans stubbornly cling to their own ideas and habits, and may fail to take advantage of new ideas or situations simply because they cannot see their practical use. They have to understand that while tenacity and a stable temperament yield rewards in many endeavors, tolerance and flexibility are the best assets when it comes to personal relationships. 
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, birthplace,gedcom, living FROM tng_people WHERE DAYOFYEAR(birthdatetr)<>"" AND ((MONTH(birthdatetr)=4 AND DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)>=21) OR (MONTH(birthdatetr)=5 AND DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)<=20)) ORDER BY lastname, firstname, personID;  
203 156  The wife is male  Marriages where the wife is male and therefore a mistake might have been made
Huwelijken waar de echtgenote is mannelijk en mogelijk verkeerd zou kunnen zijn ingevoerd 
SELECT f.familyID, h.personID as personID1, h.lastname AS LastName1, h.firstname AS FirstName1, AS Sex1, h.birthdate as birthdate1, w.personID, w.lastname AS LastName2, w.firstname AS FirstName2, AS Sex2, w.birthdate as birthdate2,, f.gedcom, f.changedby
FROM tng_families AS f
LEFT JOIN tng_people AS h ON f.husband = h.personID
LEFT JOIN tng_people AS w ON f.wife = w.personID
WHERE ( = "M"
ORDER BY familyID 
204 21  Tweelingen  Personen, geboren in het astrologische teken tweelingen (Gemini): 21 mei-21 juni
Individuals born in astrological sign gemini: 21 MAY - 21 JUNTweelingen 21 mei - 21 Juni Ik vergaar kennis
Kontakten en kommunikatie
Het omgaan met informatie
Uitwisseling met de andere mens
Heerser Mercurius;
- hoe je manier van praten, schrijven en telefoneren is
- hoe je met je direkte omgeving omgaat
- hoe je iets overdenkt en leert van de dagelijkse ervaringen
Gemini is the Mutable-Air sign. Using their communicative skills, Geminis adapt to any situation they encounter. However, they must learn to speak with candor instead of simply repeating what others want to hear. Clever-tongued Geminis develop the amazing ability to obscure the facts in their stimulating and imaginative chatter. 
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, birthplace,gedcom, living FROM tng_people WHERE DAYOFYEAR(birthdatetr)<>"" AND ((MONTH(birthdatetr)=5 AND DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)>=21) OR (MONTH(birthdatetr)=6 AND DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)<=21)) ORDER BY lastname, firstname, personID;  
205 225  Unused place names  Ongebruikte plaatsnamen  SELECT id, gedcom, place, longitude, latitude, notes
FROM tng_places
WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
AND place
IN (

FROM tng_places AS pl

SELECT gedcom, birthplace AS place
FROM `tng_people`
WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
UNION SELECT gedcom, altbirthplace
FROM `tng_people`
WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
UNION SELECT gedcom, marrplace
FROM `tng_families`
WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
UNION SELECT gedcom, deathplace
FROM `tng_people`
WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
UNION SELECT gedcom, burialplace
FROM `tng_people`
WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
UNION SELECT gedcom, eventplace
FROM tng_events
WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
) AS p
USING ( gedcom, place )
WHERE pl.gedcom = 'savenije'
AND isnull( )
206 44  Veterans  An overview of veterans (at least if you added some)  SELECT, lnprefix, suffix, tng_people.branch,lastname, firstname,birthdate,deathdate,e104.eventdate as eventdate104,e104.eventplace as eventplace104, as info104, tng_people.personID, tng_people.gedcom, nameorder FROM (tng_people ) LEFT JOIN tng_events e104 ON tng_people.personID = e104.persfamID AND tng_people.gedcom = e104.gedcom AND e104.eventtypeID = "104" WHERE (e104.eventplace LIKE "%%") ORDER BY lastname 
207 30  Vissen  Personen, geboren in het astrologische teken Vissen (Pisces): 20.02.-20.03.
Individuals born in astrological signVissen 20 februari - 22 maart Ik offer en droom verder Afzondering. Eenheidsbeleving. Illusies
Helderziendheid. Aanvoelend vermogen. Geheimen. Fantasie
Dromen. Hypnose, Verborgen vijanden. Onzichtbare tegenwerking
Heerser; Neptunus
- geeft aan daar waar je zonder eigenbelang anderen kunt helpen
- hoe je omgaat met spirituele waarden
- daar waar je "de mist in kan raken", en erg beïnvloedbaar bent -
- hoe iemand intuïtief zijn juiste draai in het leven vindt.
Pisces is the Mutable-Water sign. Pisceans adapt emotionally to the influence of their environment. Often painfully shy, they are adept at imitating the mannerisms of other people as a way of hiding their own personality. Pisceans can too easily become victims of their considerable ability to identify with the personality and problems of other people, since it severely restricts the development of their own personality traits and talents. 
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, birthplace,gedcom, living FROM tng_people WHERE DAYOFYEAR(birthdatetr)<>"" AND ((MONTH(birthdatetr)=2 AND DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)>=20) OR (MONTH(birthdatetr)=3 AND DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)<=20)) ORDER BY lastname, firstname, personID; 
208 25  Weegschaal  Personen, geboren in het astrologische teken Weegschaal (Libra): 24.9.-23.10.
Individuals born in astrological sign libra: 24 SEP - 23 OCT Weegschaal 23 september - 23 oktober Ik verenig
Afspraken en kontrakten
Heerser Venus;
- zegt iets over de manier waarop je in staat bent liefde te geven of te ontvangen,
- hoe je tegendelen verenigt en in hoeverre je bereid bent water bij de wijn te doen

Libra is the Cardinal-Air sign. Librans accomplish things because they intellectually evaluate what needs to be done, and then they charm others into cooperating with them to achieve the goal. By unselfishly sharing the success of accomplishment with those who assisted, Librans continue to engender the cooperative efforts of others. They have to learn how to deal with confrontations. Fear of hurting others or avoidance of hostile situations can keep them from pursuing their goals. 
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, birthplace,gedcom, living FROM tng_people WHERE DAYOFYEAR(birthdatetr)<>"" AND ((MONTH(birthdatetr)=9 AND DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)>=24) OR (MONTH(birthdatetr)=10 AND DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)<=23)) ORDER BY lastname, firstname, personID; 
209 128  Wezen zonder partner en kinderen, Orphans without partner and childeren  Mensen die dus aan niemand verbonden zijn.
Open de links in het rapport alstublieft in een nieuw venster.
Persons who are connected to nobody.
Open the links in the report please in a new window. 
SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate,, p.gedcom, p.changedate, p.changedby FROM tng_people AS p
LEFT OUTER JOIN tng_children AS c ON (p.personID=c.personID AND p.gedcom=c.gedcom)
LEFT OUTER JOIN tng_families AS f1 ON (p.personID=f1.husband AND p.gedcom=f1.gedcom)
LEFT OUTER JOIN tng_families AS f2 ON (p.personID=f2.wife AND p.gedcom=f2.gedcom)
WHERE c.personID IS NULL AND f1.husband IS NULL AND f1.wife IS NULL AND f2.husband IS NULL AND f2.wife IS NULL
ORDER BY p.changedate, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate DESC;  
210 127  Wezen, Orphans  Personen zonder ouders, geoordend volgens de laatste invoer eerst.
People without any parents, ordered according to the last input.  
SELECT personID, firstname AS first_name,lnprefix AS tussenvoegsel,lastname AS last_name, birthdate AS Geboortedatum, birthplace AS Geboorteplaats, changedate AS Veranderdatum, gedcom, changedby FROM tng_people WHERE famc= "" order by changedate DESC  
211 172  Wrong place names for FAMIILIES  Places to families, which are NOT a member of the places table (check for data plausibility)

Gezinnen in plaatsen die niet in de plaatsnamen lijst staan (controle op plausibiliteit) 
SELECT familyID, husband, wife, "Place of marriage" AS Kind_of_place, marrplace AS Entered_place_name, f.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND f.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND marrplace<>""
SELECT familyID, husband, wife, "Place of divorce" AS Kind_of_place, divplace AS Entered_place_name, f.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND f.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND divplace<>""
212 171  Wrong place names for PERSONS  Places to persons, which are NOT a member of the places table (check for data plausibility)

Mensen in plaatsen die niet in de plaatsnamen lijst staan (controle op plausibiliteit) 
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of birth" AS Kind_of_place, birthplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND birthplace<>""
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of birth" AS Kind_of_place, altbirthplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND altbirthplace<>""
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of death" AS Kind_of_place, deathplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND deathplace<>""
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of burial" AS Kind_of_place, burialplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND burialplace<>""
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of event" AS Kind_of_place, eventplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_events AS e LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON ( AND e.gedcom=pl.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (e.persfamID=p.personID AND e.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND eventplace<>""
ORDER BY lastname, firstname;  

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