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Beschreibung: If the tree is mentioned as savenije please replace with your won tree. Als de naam van de tree=savenije vervang die door uw eigen stamboom naam
Treffer 51 bis 100 von 212 » Komma-getrennte CSV-Datei
# | reportID | Name des Bericht | reportdesc | sqlselect | active |
51 | 196 | families: couples with same last names | Gezinnen, stellen met dezelfde last_name | SELECT familyID, h.personID AS HusbandPersonID, h.lastname AS 1st_lastname, h.firstname AS 1st_given_name, w.personID AS WifePersonID, w.lastname AS 2nd_lastname, w.firstname AS 2nd_given_name,, f.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_people AS h ON (f.husband=h.personID AND f.gedcom=h.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS w ON (f.wife=w.personID AND f.gedcom=w.gedcom) WHERE h.lastname=w.lastname ORDER BY h.lastname, h.firstname, h.personID, w.firstname, w.lastname, w.personID; |
1 |
52 | 99 | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by 5-year-steps | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by 5-year-steps one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken van de man's huwelijksleeftijd met 5 jaar stappen, een = is 50 mensen |
SELECT 5*FLOOR((YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr))/5) AS age_of_marriage_since, 5*FLOOR((YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr))/5)+4 AS age_of_marriage_till, COUNT(*) AS Totals, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/50,'=') AS Graphik FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.husband WHERE p.birthdatetr>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0 GROUP BY age_of_marriage_since ORDER BY age_of_marriage_since; | 1 |
53 | 97 | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by year one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per huwelijksleeftijd van de man, een = is 50 mensen |
SELECT YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS age_at_marriage, COUNT(*) AS Totals, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/50,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.husband WHERE p.birthdatetr>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0 GROUP BY age_at_marriage ORDER BY age_at_marriage; | 1 |
54 | 95 | families: frequency distribution of marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of marriage age, Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per huwelijksleeftijd |
SELECT YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS Marriage_age, COUNT(*) AS Amount FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.husband WHERE p.birthdatetr>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0 GROUP BY Marriage_age UNION SELECT YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS Marriage_age, COUNT(*) AS Amount FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.wife WHERE p.birthdatetr>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0 GROUP BY Marriage_age ORDER BY Marriage_age; |
1 |
55 | 98 | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by 5-year-steps | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by 5-year-steps one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken van de vrouw's huwelijksleeftijd met 5 jaar stappen, een = is 50 mensen |
SELECT 5*FLOOR((YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr))/5) AS married_age_from, 5*FLOOR((YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr))/5)+4 AS married_age_till, COUNT(*) AS Total, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/50,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.wife WHERE p.birthdatetr>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0 GROUP BY married_age_from ORDER BY married_age_from; | 1 |
56 | 96 | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by year one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per huwelijksleeftijd van de vrouw, een = is 50 mensen |
SELECT YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS age_of_marriage, COUNT(*) AS Totals, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/50,'=') AS Graphik FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.wife WHERE p.birthdatetr>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0 GROUP BY age_of_marriage ORDER BY age_of_marriage; | 1 |
57 | 114 | families: husbands | families: husbands | SELECT familyID, marrdate, h.personID, h.lastname, h.firstname, h.birthdate,, h.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_people AS h ON f.husband=h.personID ORDER BY h.lastname, h.firstname, h.personID; | 1 |
58 | 195 | Families: husbands/wives, sorted by place of marriage | Gezinnen: mannen/vrouwen, gesorteerd naar plaats van de huwelijk | SELECT f.marrplace AS Marriage_place, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, f.marrdate,, p.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f INNER JOIN tng_people AS p ON (f.husband=p.personID AND f.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE f.marrplace<>"" AND f.husband<>"" UNION SELECT f.marrplace, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, f.marrdate,, p.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f INNER JOIN tng_people AS p ON (f.wife=p.personID AND f.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE f.marrplace<>"" AND f.wife<>"" ORDER BY Marriage_place, lastname, firstname; |
1 |
59 | 130 | families: individuals with father, but without mother (mother is missing) | Gezinnen met een missende mother | SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate,, father.personID AS ID_vader, father.lastname AS last_name, father.firstname AS first_name,, mother.personID AS ID_mother, mother.lastname AS last_name2, mother.firstname AS first_name2,, p.gedcom FROM tng_children AS c LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON (c.familyID=f.familyID AND c.gedcom=f.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.personID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS mother ON (f.wife=mother.personID AND f.gedcom=mother.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS father ON (f.husband=father.personID AND f.gedcom=father.gedcom) WHERE f.wife="" ORDER BY p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate; |
1 |
60 | 94 | families: individuals with marriage date *after* death date | families: individual with marriage date *after* death date | SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.birthdate, p.deathdate, f.marrdate, f.familyID, YEAR(p.deathdatetr)-YEAR(f.marrdatetr) AS Number_of_years, f.gedcom, f.changedby FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.husband WHERE YEAR(p.deathdatetr)>0 AND YEAR(f.marrdatetr)>0 AND f.marrdatetr>p.deathdatetr UNION SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.birthdate, p.deathdate, f.marrdate, f.familyID, YEAR(p.deathdatetr)-YEAR(f.marrdatetr) AS Number_of_years, f.gedcom, f.changedby FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.wife WHERE YEAR(p.deathdatetr)>0 AND YEAR(f.marrdatetr)>0 AND f.marrdatetr>p.deathdatetr ORDER BY Number_of_years, lastname, firstname, personID; |
1 |
61 | 93 | families: individuals with marriage date *before* birthdate | families: individuals with marriage date *before* birthdate | SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.birthdate, f.marrdate, p.deathdate, f.familyID, YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS age_at_marriage,, f.gedcom, f.changedby FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.husband WHERE YEAR(p.birthdatetr)>0 AND YEAR(f.marrdatetr)>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr<0 UNION SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.birthdate, f.marrdate, p.deathdate, f.familyID, YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS age_at_marriage,, f.gedcom, f.changedby FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.wife WHERE YEAR(p.birthdatetr)>0 AND YEAR(f.marrdatetr)>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr<0 ORDER BY age_at_marriage, lastname, firstname, personID; |
1 |
62 | 117 | Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother | Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother | SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate,, father.personID AS FatherNr, father.lastname AS Name1, father.firstname AS Firstname1,, mother.personID AS MotherNr, mother.lastname AS Name2, mother.firstname AS Firstname2,, p.gedcom FROM tng_children AS c LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON (c.familyID=f.familyID AND c.gedcom=f.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.personID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS mother ON (f.wife=mother.personID AND f.gedcom=mother.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS father ON (f.husband=father.personID AND f.gedcom=father.gedcom) WHERE f.husband="" OR f.wife="" ORDER BY p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate | 1 |
63 | 89 | families: marriage frequency by calendar month | families: marriage frequency by calendar month one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per kalendermaand, een = is 50 mensen |
SELECT MONTHNAME(marrdatetr) AS month_in_which_married, MONTH(marrdatetr) AS month_of_marriage_nr, COUNT(*) AS Totals, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/50,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_families WHERE MONTH(marrdatetr)>0 GROUP BY month_of_marriage_nr; | 1 |
64 | 87 | families: marriage frequency by century | families: marriage frequency by century one = equals 100 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per eeuw, een = is 100 mensen |
SELECT 100*FLOOR(YEAR(marrdatetr)/100) AS since_year, 100*FLOOR(YEAR(marrdatetr)/100)+99 AS till_year, COUNT(*) AS Total, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_families WHERE marrdatetr<>'0000-00-00'GROUP BY since_year ORDER BY since_year; | 1 |
65 | 90 | families: marriage frequency by day-of-week | families: marriage frequency by day-of-week one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per dag van de week, een = is 50 mensen |
SELECT DAYNAME(marrdatetr) AS day_of_marriage, DAYOFWEEK(marrdatetr) AS number_of_the_week, COUNT(*) AS Total, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/50,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_families WHERE DAYOFWEEK(marrdatetr)>0 GROUP BY number_of_the_week; | 1 |
66 | 88 | families: marriage frequency by decades | families: marriage frequency by decades one = equals 10 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per eeuw, een = is 10 mensen |
SELECT 10*FLOOR(YEAR(marrdatetr)/10) AS since_year, 10*FLOOR(YEAR(marrdatetr)/10)+9 AS till_year, COUNT(*) AS Totals, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/10,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_families WHERE marrdatetr<>'0000-00-00' GROUP BY since_year ORDER BY since_year; | 1 |
67 | 115 | families: marriage types with individuals (with personIDs *and* names) | families: marriage types with individuals (with personIDs *and* names) | SELECT marrtype AS Type_of_connection, familyID, marrdate, h.personID AS HusbandPersonID, h.lastname AS Lastname1, h.firstname AS Firstname1, w.personID AS WifePersonID, w.lastname AS Lastname2, w.firstname AS Firstname2,, f.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_people AS h ON f.husband=h.personID LEFT JOIN tng_people AS w ON f.wife=w.personID WHERE f.marrtype<>'' ORDER BY f.marrtype, h.lastname, h.firstname, h.personID | 1 |
68 | 111 | Families: Twins | Families: Twins | SELECT c.familyID, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate, p.birthplace,, p.gedcom FROM tng_children AS c INNER JOIN tng_people AS p ON p.personID=c.personID INNER JOIN tng_children AS c2 ON c2.familyID=c.familyID INNER JOIN tng_people AS p2 ON p2.personID=c2.personID WHERE (p2.birthdatetr=p.birthdatetr OR p2.birthdatetr=DATE_ADD(p.birthdatetr, INTERVAL 1 DAY) OR p2.birthdatetr=DATE_SUB(p.birthdatetr, INTERVAL 1 DAY)) AND YEAR(p.birthdatetr)<>0 AND MONTH(p.birthdatetr)<>0 AND DAYOFMONTH(p.birthdatetr)<>0 GROUP BY c.familyID, p.personID, p.birthdatetr HAVING COUNT(c2.familyID)=2 ORDER BY p.lastname, c.familyID, p.birthdatetr; | 1 |
69 | 110 | Families: twins, triplets.. | Families: twins, triplets.. | SELECT c.familyID, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate, p.birthplace,, COUNT( c.familyID ) AS Number, p.gedcom FROM tng_children AS c INNER JOIN tng_people AS p ON p.personID = c.personID INNER JOIN tng_children AS c2 ON c2.familyID = c.familyID INNER JOIN tng_people AS p2 ON p2.personID = c2.personID WHERE ( p2.birthdatetr = p.birthdatetr OR p2.birthdatetr = DATE_ADD( p.birthdatetr, INTERVAL 1 DAY ) OR p2.birthdatetr = DATE_SUB( p.birthdatetr, INTERVAL 1 DAY ) ) AND YEAR( p.birthdatetr ) <>0 AND MONTH( p.birthdatetr ) <>0 AND DAYOFMONTH( p.birthdatetr ) <>0 GROUP BY c.familyID, p.personID, p.birthdatetr HAVING COUNT( c2.familyID ) >=2 ORDER BY Number, p.lastname, c.familyID, p.birthdatetr |
1 |
70 | 116 | families: wifes | families: wifes | SELECT familyID, marrdate, w.personID, w.lastname, w.firstname, w.birthdate,, w.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_people AS w ON (f.wife=w.personID AND f.gedcom=w.gedcom) ORDER BY w.lastname, w.firstname, w.personID; |
1 |
71 | 119 | Faulty birth, baptism, death and burial APROXIMATE dates, e.g. abt1988 | foute geschatte datums bijv, abt1988 (geen spatie) Kijkt alleen naar geboorte, doop, overlijdens en begraaf datums. |
SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, altbirthdate, deathdate, burialdate, living, gedcom, changedby FROM tng_people WHERE ( (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%CAL%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%EST%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%ABT%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%CAL%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%EST%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(altbirthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(altbirthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(altbirthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%ABT%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(altbirthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%CAL%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%EST%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%ABT%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%CAL%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%EST%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%ABT%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") ) AND year(birthdatetr) > "999" ORDER BY lastname, firstname, personID; |
1 |
72 | 136 | Faulty birth dates | Foutieve geboortedatums | SELECT personID, lnprefix, lastname, firstname, birthdate, birthdatetr, gedcom, changedby FROM tng_people WHERE Length( birthdate ) >4 AND NOT ( birthdate LIKE "Abt%" OR birthdate LIKE "Cal %" OR birthdate LIKE "Bef %" OR birthdate LIKE "Aft %" OR birthdate LIKE "Est %" OR birthdate LIKE "Bet %" OR birthdate LIKE "% BC" ) AND birthdatetr LIKE "%-00-00" | 1 |
73 | 138 | Faulty burial dates | foutieve begraafdatums | SELECT gedcom, personID, lnprefix, lastname, firstname, burialdate, burialdatetr, changedby FROM tng_people WHERE Length( burialdate ) >4 AND NOT ( burialdate LIKE "Abt%" OR burialdate LIKE "Cal %" OR burialdate LIKE "Bef %" OR burialdate LIKE "Aft %" OR burialdate LIKE "Est %" OR burialdate LIKE "Bet %" OR burialdate LIKE "% BC" ) AND burialdatetr LIKE "%-00-00" |
1 |
74 | 139 | Faulty death dates | foutieve overlijdensdatums | SELECT gedcom, personID, lnprefix, lastname, firstname, deathdate, deathdatetr, changedby FROM tng_people WHERE Length( deathdate ) >4 AND NOT ( deathdate LIKE "Abt%" OR deathdate LIKE "Cal %" OR deathdate LIKE "Bef %" OR deathdate LIKE "Aft %" OR deathdate LIKE "Est %" OR deathdate LIKE "Bet %" OR deathdate LIKE "% BC" ) AND deathdatetr LIKE "%-00-00" |
1 |
75 | 190 | Frequencies of origin of people | Frequencies van de geboorteplaats van mensen | SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(birthplace,",",2)),",",1)) as gemeente_or_state, COUNT(*) AS Number, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_people WHERE birthplace <> "" group BY gemeente_or_state order by Number desc; | 1 |
76 | 270 | Frequency of names | Frequentie van namen | SELECT P1.lastname, CASE WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Savenije','Savonije','Savenay','Savigne','Savené','Saveneij','Saveney', 'Saveneals','Saveneal','Safney','Sauvenaij','Safneij','Savage') THEN 'Savenije/Savonije/Savenay/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Boekholt', 'Boekhout', 'Boekhoudt' ) THEN 'Boekholt/Boekhout/Boekhoudt' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Muller', 'Mulder', 'Mulders','Mullers' ) THEN 'Mulder/Muller/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Meijer', 'Meier' ) THEN 'Meijer/Meier/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Jong', 'Jonge' ) THEN 'de Jong/de Jonge/Jong' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Jans', 'Janse','Jansen','Janssen','Jansens','Janssens' ) THEN 'Jans/Janse/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Kruize', 'Kroese','Kroeze','Kruise' ) THEN 'Kruize/Kroeze/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Huizinga', 'Huizenga','Huisinga','Huisenga','Huijzinga','Huijsinga','Huijzenga','Huijsenga' ) THEN 'Huizinga/Huisinga/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Kruizinga', 'Kruizenga','Kruisinga','Kruisenga','Kruijzinga','Kruijsinga','Kruijzenga','Kruijsenga' ) THEN 'Kruizinga/Kruisinga/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Hendriks', 'Hindriks','Hendrixs','Hindrixs','Hendrix','Hindrix' ) THEN 'Hendriks/Hindriks/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Clercks', 'Clerx','Clerks' ) THEN 'Clercks/Clerks/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Smit', 'Smith', 'Smid' ) THEN 'Smit/Smith/Smid' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Drent', 'Drenth', 'Drente', 'Drenthe' ) THEN 'Drent/Drenth/Drenthe' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Visser', 'Visscher', 'Fisscher', 'Fisser' ) THEN 'Visser/Visscher' ELSE P1.lastname END AS Surname, COUNT( * ) AS Frequency FROM tng_people P1 WHERE P1.lastname LIKE '%' AND NOT P1.lastname = "NN" GROUP BY Surname ORDER BY Frequency DESC |
1 |
77 | 194 | Frequency of people's marriage place | Frekwentie van plaatsen waar mensen getrouwd zijn | SELECT LTRIM(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(marrplace),",",1))) as provincie_or_country, COUNT(*) AS Number, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_families WHERE marrplace <> "" group BY provincie_or_country order by Number desc | 1 |
78 | 158 | Husband is female | Marriages where the husband is female and therefore a mistake might have been made. Huwelijken waar de man vrouwelijk is en er mogelijk een fout gemaakt is. |
SELECT f.familyID, h.personID, h.lastname AS LastName1, h.firstname AS FirstName1, AS Sex1, h.birthdate as birthdate1, w.personID, w.lastname AS LastName2, w.firstname AS FirstName2, AS Sex2, w.birthdate as birthdate2,, f.gedcom, f.changedby FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_people AS h ON f.husband = h.personID LEFT JOIN tng_people AS w ON f.wife = w.personID WHERE ( = "F" ) ORDER BY familyID |
1 |
79 | 108 | Incomplete families | Families where husband or wife is missing | SELECT familyid, husband AS EhemannPersonID, wife AS EhefrauPersonID, marrdate, living, gedcom FROM tng_families WHERE (husband LIKE 'I%'=0) OR (husband='-') OR (wife LIKE 'I%'=0) OR (wife='-') ORDER BY familyID; | 1 |
80 | 109 | Individuals (not: families!) with number of associated children | Individuals (not: families!) with number of associated children | SELECT COUNT(*) AS Number_of_children, f.familyID, h.personID, h.lastname AS Last_name, h.firstname AS First_name, h.birthdate, h.deathdate,, f.gedcom FROM tng_children AS c LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON c.familyID=f.familyID LEFT JOIN tng_people AS h ON f.husband=h.personID WHERE h.personID<>"" GROUP BY h.personID UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS Number_of_children, f.familyID, w.personID, w.lastname AS Last_name, w.firstname AS First_name, w.birthdate, w.deathdate,, f.gedcom FROM tng_children AS c LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON c.familyID=f.familyID LEFT JOIN tng_people AS w ON f.wife=w.personID WHERE w.personID<>"" GROUP BY w.personID ORDER BY Number_of_children DESC, Last_name, First_name, familyID | 1 |
81 | 58 | Individuals marked as living | Individuals marked as "living" with age > 100 years | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Years, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)>100) AND living=1 AND YEAR(birthdatetr)<>0 ORDER BY lastname, firstname, birthdatetr; | 1 |
82 | 91 | individuals married with age <= 18 years | individuals married with age <= 18 years and marriage date AFTER 1785 (before 1785 there are too many people in the database who where married at a too young age, notably nobility) |
SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.birthdate, f.marrdate, p.deathdate, f.familyID, YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS age_at_marriage,, f.gedcom, f.changedby FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.husband WHERE (f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0) AND (YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr)<=18) and YEAR(p.birthdatetr)>1785 UNION SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.birthdate, f.marrdate, p.deathdate, f.familyID, YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS age_at_marriage,, f.gedcom, f.changedby FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.wife WHERE (f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0) and YEAR(p.birthdatetr)>1785 AND (YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr)<=18) ORDER BY age_at_marriage, lastname, firstname, personID; |
1 |
83 | 92 | individuals married with age >= 80 years | individuals married with age >= 80 years | SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.birthdate, f.marrdate, p.deathdate, f.familyID, YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS age_at_marriage,, f.gedcom, f.changedby FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.husband WHERE YEAR(p.birthdatetr)>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0 AND YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr)>=80 UNION SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.birthdate, f.marrdate, p.deathdate, f.familyID, YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr) AS age_at_marriage,, f.gedcom, f.changedby FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON p.personID=f.wife WHERE YEAR(p.birthdatetr)>0 AND f.marrdatetr-p.birthdatetr>0 AND YEAR(f.marrdatetr)-YEAR(p.birthdatetr)>=80 ORDER BY age_at_marriage, lastname, firstname, personID; |
1 |
84 | 246 | individuals who died on their birthday | individuals who died at same day of month and month as they were born (without children died on day of birth) | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, deathdate, YEAR(deathdatetr)-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS age, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)<>0 AND DAYOFMONTH(deathdatetr)<>0 AND MONTH(birthdatetr)<>0 AND MONTH(deathdatetr)<>0 AND DAYOFMONTH(birthdatetr)=DAYOFMONTH(deathdatetr) AND MONTH(birthdatetr)=MONTH(deathdatetr) AND YEAR(deathdatetr)-YEAR(birthdatetr)>0 ORDER BY lastname, firstname, birthdatetr; | 1 |
85 | 75 | individuals with 100. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 100. birthdate this year or next year | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Years, birthdate, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=99 OR YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=100) AND living=1 ORDER BY birthdatetr, lastname, firstname; | 1 |
86 | 67 | individuals with 50. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 50. birthdate this year or next year | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Years, birthdate, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=49 OR YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=50) AND living=1 ORDER BY birthdatetr, lastname, firstname | 1 |
87 | 68 | individuals with 60. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 60. birthdate this year or next year | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Years, birthdate, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=59 OR YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=60) AND living=1 ORDER BY birthdatetr, lastname, firstname; | 1 |
88 | 69 | individuals with 65. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 65. birthdate this year or next year | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Jahre, birthdate, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=64 OR YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=65) AND living=1 ORDER BY birthdatetr, lastname, firstname; | 1 |
89 | 70 | individuals with 70. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 70. birthdate this year or next year | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Years, birthdate, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=69 OR YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=70) AND living=1 ORDER BY birthdatetr, lastname, firstname; | 1 |
90 | 71 | individuals with 75. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 75. birthdate this year or next year | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Years, birthdate, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=74 OR YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=75) AND living=1 ORDER BY birthdatetr, lastname, firstname; | 1 |
91 | 72 | individuals with 80. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 80. birthdate this year or next year | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Years, birthdate, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=79 OR YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=80) AND living=1 ORDER BY birthdatetr, lastname, firstname; | 1 |
92 | 73 | individuals with 85. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 85. birthdate this year or next year | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Years, birthdate, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=84 OR YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=85) AND living=1 ORDER BY birthdatetr, lastname, firstname; | 1 |
93 | 74 | individuals with 90. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 90. birthdate this year or next year | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Years, birthdate, birthplace, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=89 OR YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(birthdatetr)=90) AND living=1 ORDER BY birthdatetr, lastname, firstname; | 1 |
94 | 60 | individuals with an unclear date of birth | individuals with an unclear date of birth e.g. "ABT", "BEF", "AFT", "CAL" | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE ((UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%CAL%" AND birthdate<>"") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%ERR%" AND birthdate<>"") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND birthdate<>"") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND birthdate<>"") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%ABT%" AND birthdate<>"") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND birthdate<>"") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND birthdate<>"") ) AND Birthdate <> "y" ORDER BY lastname, firstname, personID; |
1 |
95 | 78 | individuals with and unclear date of death | individuals with and unclear date of death | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, deathdate, burialdate, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE ((UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%CA%") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%ERR%") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%VOR%") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%NACH%") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%ABT%") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%BEF%") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%AFT%") OR DAYOFMONTH(deathdate)=0 OR MONTH(deathdate)=0) ORDER BY lastname, firstname, personID; |
1 |
96 | 222 | individuals with associated notes | personen met geassocieerde notities | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, deathdate, living, note, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p INNER JOIN tng_notelinks AS nl ON (p.personID=nl.persfamID AND p.gedcom=nl.gedcom) INNER JOIN tng_xnotes AS xn ON (nl.xnoteID=xn.ID AND nl.gedcom=xn.gedcom) WHERE nl.secret=0 ORDER BY lastname, firstname, birthdatetr; |
1 |
97 | 245 | individuals with different deathplace and place of burial | Personen die elders begraven zijn dan waar ze overleden. | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, deathdate, deathplace, burialdate, burialplace, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE deathplace<>burialplace AND deathplace<>"" AND burialplace<>"" ORDER BY lastname, firstname, birthdatetr; | 1 |
98 | 129 | individuals with mother, but without father (father is missing) | Individuen met hun mother maar waar de vader mist | SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate,, father.personID AS ID_Vader, father.lastname AS Name1, father.firstname AS first_name,, mother.personID AS ID_mother, mother.lastname AS Name2, mother.firstname AS first_name2,, p.gedcom FROM tng_children AS c LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON (c.familyID=f.familyID AND c.gedcom=f.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.personID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS mother ON (f.wife=mother.personID AND f.gedcom=mother.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS father ON (f.husband=father.personID AND f.gedcom=father.gedcom) WHERE f.husband="" ORDER BY p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate; |
1 |
99 | 54 | individuals without date of birth/baptism/death/burial | individuals without date of birth/baptism/death/burial (empty date fields) | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE ((birthdate is NULL) OR (birthdate="")) AND (birthdatetr="0000-00-00") AND ((altbirthdate is NULL) OR (altbirthdate="")) AND (altbirthdatetr="0000-00-00") AND ((deathdate is NULL) OR (deathdate="")) AND (deathdatetr="0000-00-00") AND ((burialdate=NULL) OR (burialdate="")) AND (burialdatetr="0000-00-00") ORDER BY lastname, firstname; |
1 |
100 | 53 | individuals without places | individuals without places - missing birth/baptism/death/burial place (empty place fields) | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE ((birthplace=NULL) OR (birthplace="")) AND ((altbirthplace is NULL) OR (altbirthplace="")) AND ((deathplace=NULL) OR (deathplace="")) AND ((burialplace is NULL) OR (burialplace="")) ORDER BY lastname, firstname; | 1 |
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